Thursday, December 20, 2007

Beth Southwell singing Laughter In The Wind

I just added Beth's video to, a site that encourages visitors to comment and either dig or bury postings.I am trying out different viral marketing strategies and seeing which ones bring positive result. So if any of you readers out there feel like visiting digg and adding a 'dig it' for Beth's video posting that would be appreciated. It will be interesting to see what happens with this. I discovered a great band on digg, so I am hopeful for good results. This is a beautiful live performance video of Beth Southwell sharing an emotional song speaking of personal hope. A heartfelt performance.Taken from the Violet Femmes Showcase Concert at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre in BC. You can hear her neice gurgling in the background if you listen closely, she wanted to be on youtube too.I also figured out where I had heard the Ingrid Michaelson song, it was on the Old Navy ad on television!

read more | digg story

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